News Coverage

25 August 2016

HUFFINGTON POST: National Park Service Centennial Is A Time For Celebration, Redoubling Efforts For Diversity

This week marks the Centennial anniversary of the National Park Service and to celebrate the occasion, Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will be holding a town hall discussion about diversity at the César E.…
31 July 2016

HI-DESERT STAR: New desert monuments offer chances to explore family roots

This Saturday marked the start of Latino Conservation Week, a week dedicated to building awareness among Latino communities of the beautiful public lands and outdoor experiences available to them, and the importance of conservation. It…
26 July 2016

HUFFINGTON POST: Celebrating Latino Conservation Week

By Senator Dianne Feinstein on Huffington Post This week is the third annual Latino Conservation Week, a chance for Latinos all across the country to demonstrate their passion for enjoying and protecting public lands. Few…
25 July 2016

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Maryland's Hispanic Community Supports Public Lands

It's Latino Conservation Week, and groups across the nation are focused on access to public lands for Latino families. All this week, groups will be hosting events outdoors to promote recreation and the protection of…
21 July 2016

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: AZ Group Studies Heritage for Latino Conservation Week

This week marks the third annual Latino Conservation Week, and organizers are shining a spotlight on the Latino community's concern for preserving Arizona's natural resources. As part of the week-long push, several groups are encouraging…
20 July 2016

ENTRAVISION: We must preserve our ecological treasures and ensure future generations can discover and enjoy their magnificence.

By Senator Harry Reid Nevada is known for its rich natural heritage. From Lake Tahoe, our treasured Jewel of the Sierras, to the mountains and high deserts of the east; the seas of sagebrush of…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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