News Coverage

03 January 2019

KRWG: Effort To Create Outdoor Equity Fund In New Mexico

Commentary: Low-income youth and their families could soon have expanded opportunities to access state parks, federal public lands, and a variety of outdoor recreation and education opportunities as part of a statewide and national coalition…
22 December 2018

LAS CRUCES SUN NEWS: A call for Congress to renew the Land & Water Conservation Fund

Parks and outdoor recreation are not new for many Latino families, and there’s a growing movement of Latino leaders who are calling for increased access to parks in urban and rural communities.
09 December 2018

THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN: Methane rules needed to protect Colorado’s children

There’s a certain irony in Colorado hosting the one and only public hearing of the President Donald Trump administration’s proposed re-write of the 2016 Environmental Protection Agency methane rule. Colorado was the first to implement…
21 November 2018

COLORADO POLITICS: EPA’s rollback of methane standards is wrong for Colorado

People visit and have moved to our beautiful state of Colorado for the outdoors and the clean, fresh mountain air that accompanies it. I would love to keep our state beautiful, pristine, and appealing for…
24 October 2018

DESERT SUN: Congress, reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund to invest in natural wonders

Having spent my entire life in California, it would be easy to take our beaches, forests and one of a kind national parks for granted. Especially when you consider that for many of us, we…
15 March 2017

HUFFINGTON POST: Senate Should Reject Putting Special Interests before Our Communities on Methane Rule

Many would agree that Congress has a moral obligation to listen to voters and protect our cherished outdoor heritage. Unfortunately, some in the U.S. Senate are attempting to overturn a popular rule that reduces the…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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