News Coverage

11 March 2017

USA TODAY: These are the nation's most 'endangered' rivers; top dishonor goes to the Lower Colorado River

Sure, we all know about endangered species, but did you know there are endangered rivers, too?
15 February 2017

LAS VEGAS SUN: Methane rule will benefit Nevadans

Nevada is a state of incredible natural diversity. The diverse landscapes of our state provide a lot more than just recreation and relaxation. These special places play a vital role in our economy, our culture…
10 February 2017

THE HILL: Saving the Colorado River before the water runs dry

There are a host of important natural resource challenges quickly bearing down on the new administration that require immediate attention — perhaps none more serious in America’s western states than the management and fate of…
08 February 2017

LATIN LIFE DENVER: Five Latino Groups Unite To Form “Latino Partnership To Cut Waste, Protect Our Health.”

Five Latino groups announced the formation of a new campaign, The partnership includes Hispanic Access Foundation; HECHO; Chispa Nevada, League of Conservation Voters; Mi Familia Vota; and Por la Creación Faith-based Alliance.
08 February 2017

MEDIUM: A Pastor’s Letter to Senate: Save BLM Methane and Waste Prevention Rule

The Bureau of Land Management’s Methane and Waste Prevention Rule represents some of the best values of conservatism and is smart energy, public health and economic policy. In response to the recent House vote on…
31 January 2017

YAHOO NEWS: Mountain West Voters Outline Priorities for Trump Administration on Public Lands in New Survey

Mountain West voters weighed in on the Trump Administration's priorities for managing the use and protection of national public lands in a new Colorado College State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll…

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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