Research Library

23 March 2021

Latino Advocacy Toolkit: Helping Latinos Become Advocates and Flex Their Power

Publishers: Hispanic Access Foundation
Author: Produced by Vanessa Moyonero, Founder & Strategist of Con Cultura, LLC
Topics: Advocacy
Geographic Focus: National

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Every 30 seconds a Latino citizen turns 18, and as of 2020, 32 million Hispanics are registered to vote. Latino voter turnout in 2020’s battleground states was three times greater than in 2016, and Hispanic turnout broke records in Georgia’s runoff election in January 2021. On the other hand, Latinos make up only 1% of elected officials, while comprising 18% of the U.S. population. Latinos represent the largest untapped segment of the population when it comes to civic engagement and political potential. 

Latino Advocacy Week brings together community groups, local and national nonprofits, faith-based organizations, community leaders, and elected officials to champion legislation, offer capacity strengthening opportunities, and advocacy tools to support Latinos across the country as leaders forging a more equitable society. Priority issue areas center on public health, environmental equity and climate, as well as partnerships, policy and tools for inclusive advocacy.

Our Latino Advocacy Week Toolkit includes an introduction to advocacy, a guide to speaking with legislative and administrative offices, and more information on how to advocate. 

The Spanish Latino Advocacy Week Toolkit is available here. 

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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