09 August 2021
A Day at the Beach
For the month of July MERITO hosted a beach camp for students in which I volunteered. It was extremely fun and educational for the students and me. We got to learn about marine biology but…
07 August 2021
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
Wow. Just like that, the summer has passed. I complete an internship of a lifetime next week. It’s bittersweet – but I am very proud of what I have accomplished despite my initial feeling of…
07 August 2021
Longfin Smelt and Zooplankton in the San Francisco Estuary
Zooplankton are an important part of the San Francisco Estuary food web. Zooplankton are small (often crustaceous) organisms that feed on phytoplankton (algae) in the water. Phytoplankton derive their energy from the sun. Zooplankton filter…
07 August 2021
Longfin Smelt and Freshwater Outflow in the San Francisco Estuary
To understand why longfin smelt have been in decline in recent decades we must familiarize ourselves with the life history of this unique fish. Longfin smelt are an anadromous fish species, meaning that they migrate…
06 August 2021
My Latino Conservation Week Event
I have been very fortunate this summer to have split my time between two urban refuges. There has been so much to learn from each site and it has been a great lesson to see…
05 August 2021
Unforgettable Moments: Summer '21 in Photos
As my eleven-week fellowship comes to an end, it’s hard to imagine that barely three months ago I sat at this computer writing my first emails with my new Fish and Wildlife Service email address.…