30 November 2021
Taking Science to the Streets
Citizen science is a community-based approach to science that pulls in the public. It’s been cited as early as the mid-1800s when German migrant Ferdinand Mueller enlisted the Australian public to aid in plant collection…
24 November 2021
SHIFT Summit 2021 and First Two Months of my Fellowship
The first two months of my fellowship at National Trails System have been engaging, educational, inspiring, and exciting! I feel so fortunate to work with a group of people who are so knowledgeable and passionate…
19 November 2021
Transformational Experiences
As I navigate the last few days of my internship I started to reflect on the transformational experiences I had here. I want to highlight the most meaningful experiences through identity searching and conversations surrounding…
16 November 2021
Facilitating access to our land.
Our forests are owned by all of us. However, not all of the 294,275 square miles of our national forest lands are easily reached by the everyday person’s vehicle. The construction and maintenance of access…
15 November 2021
The Path of Least Resistance
Hello my friends! My name is Liam Fressie, and I am once again reporting from the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest and Pawnee National Grassland out of Fort Collins Colorado. This last month, I’ve been…
15 November 2021
Cabin in the Woods
Hello again from the Rio Grande National forest. I’m 2 solid months into this internship, and I have already learned so much. In the past 2 weeks my supervisor and I have concentrated our efforts…