
05 March 2022

Saying Goodbye

Written by: Alisson Vera

My communications fellowship with the National Park Service – Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program has finally come to an end.

This fellowship was nothing like I had imagined it would be. I originally thought I’d be going to Washington D.C. but instead it ended up being remote for the 11-month period due to the pandemic. Even so, I never expected to make friendships and build such a large network from behind my computer screen.

I interviewed dozens of partners and program leads for projects I got to write about in social media and articles. I was exposed to the inner workings of communication in the National Park Service in ways that I hadn’t in previous internships. Hispanic Access allowed me to get outdoors and camp with people who shared my interests, something that was unexpected and very much needed during a time where isolation was strong. I was able to tour Alaska and meet with communities directly impacted by the work that RTCA does and it was an amazing experience.

The personal and professional growth that I’ve experienced is something I will always be grateful for. Hispanic Access was there every step of the way from making it easy to transition into the position, to always providing opportunities to improve myself and keep making connections. Knowing that there is an organization that puts Hispanic and Latines into roles where they can only grow, makes me incredibly happy and proud. Regardless of whatever internship or fellowship you’re scoping, if it’s with Hispanic Access, you know that you’ll always have a support group and always feel like you belong.

This fellowship has opened new doors for me and I’m now thinking of possibly going back to school for a masters so that I’m able to go further in my career. While I don’t have anything lined up, I know I have a vast network of connections even though my fellowship is done.

Thank you Hispanic Access for all the amazing opportunities, excited to now be an alumna of the program!

Agency: National Park Service

Program: Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Program (COR)

Location: Rivers, Trails Conservation Assistance Program - DC Field Office

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Hispanic Access Foundation connects Latinos and others with partners and opportunities to improve lives and create an equitable society.

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