
01 December 2020

Job Searching During COVID

Written by: Crystal Salvador

Job searching is the worst. My last few months have consisted of job hunting to find something that pays well and fits my interests and passions.

This seemed like an impossible task when I first started and after months of searching and coming out empty-handed. My fellowship was set to conclude at the end of October, but thanks to the foresight and generosity of Hispanic Access Foundation, and my supervisors at the National Trails System, I was offered an extension. Providing me an opportunity to stay employed during the pandemic.

Staying employed lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, but the job-hunting process was still brutal. At times I found myself questioning my credentials, my job experience, and my applications. I found it easy to criticize myself, but I also knew criticizing myself was nonsensical. So, I reached out to colleagues and friends to ask for feedback and words of advice.

My colleagues had a lot of knowledge to share and freely offered up their time to share about their own experiences. Through these conversations I was able to gain some perspective, and I realized just how hard I was being hard on myself by taking the job rejections I received personally. Many of the people I talked to shared similar stories about their career paths, that it had taken time and it had been non-linear.

I find it difficult to be patient with not knowing what my future holds. But I have come to realize it’s perfectly okay to take time to figure it out. Most importantly I want to take opportunities as they come and remain open to new experiences, I also want to practice having more patience and compassion with myself.

I recently found a job and will be moving on in the new year. What I will miss the most is working with the colleagues I have gotten to know. I have been very lucky to work with many passionate, caring, and hard-working people. People who have taken the time to answer my questions, and to mentor me in my time at the Park Service.

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